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Paul Work/Tool

kendo ui kendo.web.min.js eclipse 오류

Kendo UI 폴더를 eclipse에 프로젝트에 옮겼는데 kendo.web.min.js 파일에 빨간 X자 표시가 발생...

해결 방법은 Exciuded에 Kendo UI를 추가 해주니 없어졌다.
Exciuded 추가 방법은 아래를 참조

  1. Right click your project
  2. Select Properties -> JavaScript -> Include Path
  3. Select Source tab. ( It looks identical to Java Build Path Source tab )
  4. Expand JavaScript source folder
  5. Highlight Excluded pattern
  6. Click Edit button
  7. Click Add button next to Exclusion patterns box.
  8. You may either type Ant-style wildcard pattern, or click Browse button to mention the JavaScript source by name. 


링크 : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3131878/how-do-i-remove-javascript-validation-from-my-eclipse-project